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Oaks ‘n Folks Articles

Summaries of research journal articles archived from the IHRMP Newsletter Oaks ‘n Folks

Canyon Live Oak-Current and Historical Perspective

Blue Oaks Grow Slowly

A Hardwood Rangeland Classification System for California

Historic Distribution of Oaks from Pollen Analyses

Nutrient Cycling in California

Acorn Production by California Oaks

Vernal Pools in Oak Woodlands: Puddles or Unique Habitats?

Large Scale Change Detection in California Using LandSat Satellite Imagery and GIS

Integrating Information at State, Regional and Local Scales: An Essential Step for Watershed Management, Restoration, and Monitoring

Assessing Potential Hardwood Loss in the Northern Sacramento Valley Using GIS Technology

Valley Oak Conservation

Return of Natural Hardwood Regeneration in a Cleared Watershed

Cattle Grazing Effects on Spring Ecosystems in California’s Oak Woodland

Modeling vineyard expansion in California’s north coast: developing statistical models and evaluating consequences for the surrounding oak woodland landscape

Habitat Fragmentation Limits Pollen Availability and Acorn Production in Blue Oak

A Half Century of Change to the Flora of a Hardwood Rangeland in Northwest California

Earthworm Ecology in California

McLaughlin Reserve Protects California’s State Rock

Community Involvement Needed in Monitoring Sudden Oak Death in California

Successful Burning Strategy to Control Barbed Goatgrass

Understanding and Monitoring California Hardwood Rangeland Watersheds

Blueprint for Monitoring Plans

Engelmann Oaks Are Returning Where They Can

Soil processes, vegetation, and cattle grazing: What regulates nitrate leaching into groundwater

Sudden Oak Death Science Symposium Held in Monterey

Remote Sensing Helps Describe the Relationship Between Oak Mortality and Forest Structure Through Time

Hardwood Rangeland Monitoring with Aerial Photographs

Tax Incentives Encourage Open Space Conservation

Land-Use Planning in Oak Woodland: Applying the Concepts of Landscape Ecology Using GIS Technology and the CDF Oak Woodland Maps

Large Scale Change Detection in California Using LandSat Satellite Imagery and GIS

Effects of Wood Cutting on Wildlife Habitat in Blue Oak Woodlands in the Northern Sacramento Valley

Integrating Information at State, Regional and Local Scales: An Essential Step for Watershed Management, Restoration, and Monitoring

Assessing Potential Hardwood Loss in the Northern Sacramento Valley Using GIS Technology

Establishing Livestock Carrying Capacity From GIS & Range Science Research

California Certified Rangeland Manager Program

Water Quality in Oak Rangelands

Changes in El Dorado County Land-Use and Ownership

A New Tool for Conserving Oak Woodlands: The California Rangeland Trust

Wildlife Response to Different Kinds of Residential Development

Conservation and Collaboration: Vineyards in a Santa Barbara Landscape

California’s Hardwood Rangelands: Production and Conservation Values

Modeling vineyard expansion in California’s north coast: developing statistical models and evaluating consequences for the surrounding oak woodland landscape

Policy Analysis related to the Conversion of Native Habitat to Vineyard  

Sonoma County Acquisition Plan 2000: A Tool for Conserving Oak Woodlands

The Fifth Consecutive Oak Symposium Focuses on California’s Changing Landscape

The Cultural Values of Oaks

One-woman Show About California Oak Trees

The Ethnobiology of California’s Oak Woodlands