Summaries of research journal articles archived from the IHRMP Newsletter Oaks ‘n Folks
Oak Regeneration by Artificial Means
Oak Seedling Regeneration on California Rangelands
Growing Bareroot Blue Oak Seedlings
Artificially Regenerating Native Oaks in California
Effects of Tree Shelters and Weed Control on Blue Oak Growth and Survival
Top Pruning Improves Field Performance of Blue Oak Seedlings
Competition Control Strategies for the Artificial Regeneration of California Blue Oak
Tree Shelters Protect Oak Seedlings from Cattle
Techniques to Enhance Oak Regeneration Studied
Black Oak Planting Project Near Grass Valley
Predation in Restoration and Mitigation
Restoring Grazed Riparian Areas With Oaks and Willows
Geographical Ecology of Acorn Production by California Oaks
Deer Herbivory and Riparian Restoration
Weed Control Methods for Oak Plantings
Post-Fire Regeneration of Black Walnut
Exclosure Size Influences Rodent Damage To Blue Oak Seedlings
Treeshelters Cover the English Landscape
Habitat Fragmentation Limits Pollen Availability and Acorn Production in Blue Oak
Proceedings of Regeneration Workshop Available
Ten Years of Oak Restoration in City of Walnut Creek Open Spaces
Branch Dieback and Twig Blight of Oak
Caterpillar Pests of Oak Trees
Armillaria Mellea: Native Soil Fungus Causing Root Rot
Grasshoppers Continue to Hamper Oak Restoration Efforts
Pocket Gopher Damage to Oak on the Santa Rosa Plateau
Oak Anthracnose in the Sacramento Valley
Living Among the Oaks Creates a Sticky Situation
Black Oaks Lose Leaves in El Nino Winter
Tanoak and Coast Live Oak Under Attack
UC Response to Tanoak Sudden Death/Live Oak Mortality
Feral Pigs and Oak Woodland Vegetation
Sudden Oak Death Threatens Coastal Oak Forests
Community Involvement Needed in Monitoring Sudden Oak Death in California
Blue Oaks: Forage Production and Quality
A Dynamic Ranch Model of Hardwood Rangeland
A Potential New Profit From Oak Woodlands
Summer Irrigation of Established Oak Trees
Tax Incentives Encourage Open Space Conservation
Factors Affecting Annual Forage Yield in Oak Woodlands
Grazing in Oak Woodland: Does it Affect Bird Communities?
A Land-Use Management Plan: Examples From a UC Research Center
Effects of Wood Cutting on Wildlife Habitat in Blue Oak Woodlands in the Northern Sacramento Valley
Agroforestry on California’s Hardwood Rangelands
Establishing Livestock Carrying Capacity From GIS & Range Science Research
Eucalyptus Can Replace Oak for BBQ and Heating Wood
A New Tool for Conserving Oak Woodlands: The California Rangeland Trust
Cattle Grazing Effects on Spring Ecosystems in California’s Oak Woodland
Conservation and Collaboration: Vineyards in a Santa Barbara Landscape
Oak Seedling Regeneration on California Rangelands
California’s Hardwood Rangelands: Production and Conservation Values
Canyon Live Oak-Current and Historical Perspective
A Hardwood Rangeland Classification System for California
Historic Distribution of Oaks from Pollen Analyses
Nutrient Cycling in California
Acorn Production by California Oaks
Vernal Pools in Oak Woodlands: Puddles or Unique Habitats?
Large Scale Change Detection in California Using LandSat Satellite Imagery and GIS
Assessing Potential Hardwood Loss in the Northern Sacramento Valley Using GIS Technology
Return of Natural Hardwood Regeneration in a Cleared Watershed
Cattle Grazing Effects on Spring Ecosystems in California’s Oak Woodland
Habitat Fragmentation Limits Pollen Availability and Acorn Production in Blue Oak
A Half Century of Change to the Flora of a Hardwood Rangeland in Northwest California
Earthworm Ecology in California
McLaughlin Reserve Protects California’s State Rock
Community Involvement Needed in Monitoring Sudden Oak Death in California
Successful Burning Strategy to Control Barbed Goatgrass
Understanding and Monitoring California Hardwood Rangeland Watersheds
Blueprint for Monitoring Plans
Engelmann Oaks Are Returning Where They Can
Soil processes, vegetation, and cattle grazing: What regulates nitrate leaching into groundwater
Dependence of Breeding Birds on the Density of Oaks
The Bear Facts: Bears in Hardwood Rangeland
The Effects of Development on Oak Woodland Wildlife: Fragmentation of Woodland Habitats
On the Spotted Owl: Resident of California’s Oak Woodlands
The Dusky-Footed Woodrat: Resident of California Oak Woodland
The Black Rail: A New Resident of Oak Ecosystems
Grazing in Oak Woodland: Does it Affect Bird Communities?
Effects of Wood Cutting on Wildlife Habitat in Blue Oak Woodlands in the Northern Sacramento Valley
Nesting Habitat of Red-Tailed Hawks in Oak Woodlands
Wildlife Response to Different Kinds of Residential Development
Oaks, Acorns, and Acorn Woodpeckers
Feral Pigs and Oak Woodland Vegetation
Living Among the Oaks: How Do Bird Communities Respond to Rural Residential Development?
Long-term Avian Monitoring Along Parson’s Creek, Mendocino County
Tax Incentives Encourage Open Space Conservation
Large Scale Change Detection in California Using LandSat Satellite Imagery and GIS
Effects of Wood Cutting on Wildlife Habitat in Blue Oak Woodlands in the Northern Sacramento Valley
Assessing Potential Hardwood Loss in the Northern Sacramento Valley Using GIS Technology
Establishing Livestock Carrying Capacity From GIS & Range Science Research
California Certified Rangeland Manager Program
Water Quality in Oak Rangelands
Changes in El Dorado County Land-Use and Ownership
A New Tool for Conserving Oak Woodlands: The California Rangeland Trust
Wildlife Response to Different Kinds of Residential Development
Conservation and Collaboration: Vineyards in a Santa Barbara Landscape
California’s Hardwood Rangelands: Production and Conservation Values
Policy Analysis related to the Conversion of Native Habitat to Vineyard
Sonoma County Acquisition Plan 2000: A Tool for Conserving Oak Woodlands
The Fifth Consecutive Oak Symposium Focuses on California’s Changing Landscape