For 25 years the California State Board of Forestry oak conservation policy supported a statewide program of research and education known as the Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program (IHRMP). This included providing strong encouragement to local governments to develop their own policies responsive to ecological, economic, and political issues impacting hardwood rangelands in their particular county. Shown here is a table of counties with significant hardwood rangeland acreage, and the current policy approaches being used.
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Guidelines for Managing California’s Hardwood Rangelands Webinar Series
California’s oak woodlands cover 10 percent of the state and are its most biologically diverse broad habitat. It also is as an important location for agricultural and other economic enterprises. With 80 percent in private ownership, continued sustainability of resources
Read full articleGuidelines for Managing California’s Hardwood Rangelands
California’s oak woodlands are our most biologically diverse broad habitat; covering 10% of the state. With 80% in private ownership the key to preserving California’s iconic oak woodlands is primarily in private hands. This guide will help landowners and managers
Read full articlePlanner’s Guidelines to Managing Oak Woodlands Webinar Series
A series of lectures was presented on the concepts in the ANR publication, A Planner’s Guide for Oak Woodlands (UC ANR Publication 3491). The goal was to create an awareness of the ecological, economic and social values of California’s oak woodlands,
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First published in 1992, A Planner’s Guide for Oak Woodlands was the first such manual of its kind. Designed for professional planners, consultants, and landscape architects, this new edition provides science-based information that can guide decision-making. Chapters cover a range of planning and conservation topics and the 116-page second edition also features a sturdier binding and more photographs.
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