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IHRMP Research Publications

Oak Research Symposia

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Starting in 1986, researchers affiliated with the UC’s Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program (IHRMP), as well as scientists funded by IHRMP research grants, began publishing articles based on the results of both applied and basic research. These are listed alphabetically below according to the name of the principal author. any of these are available on line. Type in the article title in a search engine to see if an article of interest is available.

Adams, T.E. and N.K. McDougald. 1995. Planted blue oaks may need help to survive in Southern Sierras. California Agriculture 49(5):13-17.

Adams, T.E. and N.K. McDougald. 1996. Erosion Control on Hardwood Rangelands. In: Standiford, R.B. (Editor). Guidelines for Managing California’s Hardwood Rangelands. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication 3368. P. 115-118.

Adams, T.E., P.B. Sands, and M.E. Stanley. 1997. Oaks grown from nursery stock have better survival rate. California Agric. 51(1):26-29.

Adams, T.E., P.B. Sands, and W.H. Weitkamp. 1996. Oak seedling recruitment through artificial regeneration on California rangelands. Pages 1-2. IN: West, Neil E. ed. Rangelands in a sustainable biosphere. Proc. of the Fifth International Rangeland Congress, vol. 1; 1995 July 23-28; Salt Lake City, UT. Denver, CO: Soc. for Range Mgmt.

Adams, T.E., P.B. Sands, W.R. Weitkamp, N.K. McDougald. 1991. Blue and valley oak seedling establishment on California’s hardwood rangelands. USDA Forest Service, Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-126. pp. 41-47.

Adams, T.E., P.B. Sands, W.H. Weitkamp and N.K. McDougald. 1991. Blue oak seedling regeneration on California rangelands. In: Proc. of the IV International Rangeland Congress, Montpellier, France. Vol.1, pp. 67-71.

Adams, T.E., P.B. Sands, W.H. Weitkamp, and N.K. McDougald. 1992b. Oak seedling establishment in California oak woodlands. In: Proc. Ecology and Management of Oak and Associated Woodlands: Perspectives in the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico; 1992 April 27-30; Sierra Vista, AZ. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM. Fort Collins, CO: Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Adams, T. E., P. B. Sands, W. H. Weitkamp, N. K. McDougald, and J. W. Bartolome. 1988. Enemies of White Oak regeneration. In: Plumb, T. R. and N. H. Pillsbury (Tech. Coord.) Proc. Symp. Multiple-use management of California’s hardwood resources. USFS Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-100:459462.

Adams, T.E., P.B. Sands, W.H. Weitkamp, and M.E. Stanley. 1997. Oak seedling establishment by artificial regeneration on California rangelands. Proceedings of the Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Ecology, Management and Urban Interface Issues. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-GTR-160:213-224.

Aigner, Paul A.; Jerry Tecklin ; and Katherine E. Koehler. 1995. Probable breeding population of the black rail in Yuba County, California. Western Birds 26:157-160.

Allen-Diaz, B.H. 1990. A hardwood rangeland classification system for California. Oaks ‘n Folks -The newsletter of the Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program 5(1):3-6. June.

Allen, B.H. 1990. Classification of oak woodlands. Fremontia 18:22-25.

Allen-Diaz, B. H. and J. W. Bartolome. 1991. Survival of Quercus douglasii (Fagaceae) seedlings under the influence of fire and grazing. Madroño 39:47-53.

Allen-Diaz, B.H., J.W. Bartolome, and M.P. McClaren. 1997. California oak savanna. In: Savvanna. Barren and Rock Outcrop Plant Communities of North America. Anderson, Fralish, and Baskin (ed). Campridge University Press.

Allen, B. H., R. R. Everett, B. A. Holzman, and A. J. Martin. 1989 Rangeland Cover Type Descriptions for California Hardwood Rangelands. A report prepared for the Forest and Rangeland Assessment Program, Dept. Forestry and Fire Protection, Contract #8CA63912. Sacramento, CA. 318 p.

Allen-Diaz, B. H. and B. A. Holzman. 1991. Blue Oak communities in California. Madroño 38(2):80-95.

Allen, B. H., B. A. Holzman, and R. R. Evett. 1991. A classification system for California’s hardwood rangelands. Hilgardia 59(2):145.

Allen-Diaz, B.H. and R.D. Jackson. 1998. Cattle grazing effects on oak woodland spring ecosystems. Abstract RN184. In: Proc. American Water Resources Association Specialty Conference on Rangeland Management and Water Resources. May 27-29, 1998. Reno, NV. P.146.

Allen-Diaz, B.H. and R.D. Jackson. 2000. Grazing effects on spring ecosystem vegetation of California’s hardwood rangelands. J. Range Management 53:215-220.

Allen-Diaz, B.H., R.D. Jackson, and J.S. Fehmi. 1998. Detecting channel morphology change in California’s hardwood rangeland spring ecosystems. J. Range Manage. 51:514-518.

Allen-Diaz, B.H., R.D. Jackson, and M. Spencer. 1998. Grazing effects on California’s oak woodland springs and creeks. Abstract. Annual Meeting Soc. Range Management. Guadalajara, Mexico. February, 1998.

Allen-Diaz, B. Hammerling, E. and C. Campbell. 1998. Comparison of standard water quality sampling with simpler procedures. J. Soil and Water Cons. 53(1): 27-30.

Atwill, E.R., E. Johnson, D.J. Klingborn, G.M. Veserat, G. Markegard, W.A. Jensen, D.W. Pratt, R.E. Delmas, H.A. George, C. Helpin, L.C. Farero, R.L. Phillips, J.J. Berry, N.K. McDougald and R.R. Gildersleeve. Accepted. Distribution of fecal shedding Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in cow-calf herds in California. American Journal of Veterinary Research.

Atwill, E.R., K.W. Tate, M.R. George and N.K. McDougald. 1998. Transportation of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts out of fecal patties as a function of slope during simulated rainfall. Proceedings rangeland management and water resources. American Water Resources Assn. TPS-98-1, Reno Nevada. p. 446.

Backstrand, Nancy and Earl W. Lathrop. 1993. The Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve. Fremontia 22 (2):18-23.

Ballard, H., Kraetch, R., and Huntsinger, L. 2001. How collaboration can improve a monitoring program. In: Standiford, Richard B.; McCreary, Douglas; Purcell, Kathryn L., technical coordinators. 2002. Proceedings of the fifth symposium on oak woodlands: Oaks in California’s changing landscape, pp.617-624. 2001 October 22-25; San Diego, CA. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-184. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; 846 p.

Barnhart, S. L., J. R. McBride, C. Cicero, P. de Silva, and P. Warner. 1987. Vegetation dynamics of the northern oak woodland. Proc. Symp. Multiple Use Management of California’s Hardwood Resources. Cal. Poly. State Univ., San Luis Obispo, CA. p. 5358.

Barnhart, S. J., J. R. McBride and P. Warner. 1991. Oak seedling establishment in relation to environmental factors at Annadel State Park. In: Proc. Symp. Oak Woodlands and Hardwood Rangeland Management. Oct. 31- Nov. 2 1990. Davis, CA. p. 14

Barnhart, S. J., J. R. McBride and P. Warner. 1995. Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco invasion of northern oak woodlands in the Sonoma mountains of California. Madroño 42:295-316.

Barry, S.J. K. Guenther, G. Hayes, R. Larsen, G. Nader and M. Doran. 2005. Understanding Livestock Grazing Impacts. DANR publication 21626.

Bartolome, J.W., W.E. Frost, N.K. McDougald, and J.M. Connor. 2002. California guidelines for Residual Dry Matter (RDM) management on coastal and foothill annual rangelands. Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res. Rangeland Management Series Pub. 8092. 8p.

Bartolome, J.W., M.P. McClaren, B.H. Allen-Diaz, J. Dunne, L.D. Ford, R.B. Standiford, N.K. McDougald, and L.C. Forero. 2002. Effects of fire and browsing on blue oak. Proc. 5th Symposium on Oak Woodlands, October 22-25, 2001, San Diego, CA. USDA FS GTR-184 pp 281-286.

Bartolome, J.W., B.H. Allen-Diaz, and W.J. Tietje. 1994. The effect of Quercus douglasii removal on understory yield and composition. J. Range Manage. 47:151-154.
33. J. W. Bartolome, Barbara Allen-Diaz, Pete van Hoorn, and Jim Robbins. 2000 . Feral Pigs and Oak Woodland Vegetation. Oaks ‘n Folks – Volume 16, Issue 2 – August 2000.

Bartolome, J. W. and M. P. McClaren. 1992. Composition and productivity of California oak savanna seasonally grazed by sheep. J. Range Manage. 45:103-107.

Bartolome, J.W., M.P. McClaren, B.H. Allen-Diaz, J. Dunne, L.D. Ford, R.B. Standiford, N.K. McDougald, L.C. Forero. 2002. Effects of fire and browsing on regeneration of blue oak. in: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Oak Woodland: Oaks in California’s Changing Landscape, October 22-25, 2001, San Diego, CA. . USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-GTR-184. pp. 281-286.

Bartolome, J. W., P. C. Muick and M. P. McClaren, M. P. 1987. Natural regeneration of California hardwood forests and woodlands. In: Plumb, T. R. and Pillsbury (Tech. Coord.) Proc. Symp. Multiple-Use Management Resources. USFS Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-100:18-23.

Bartolome, J. W., P. C. Muick, and M. P. McClaren. 1988. Natural regeneration of Californian hardwoods. In: Plumb, T. R. and N. H. Pillsbury (Tech. Coord.) Proc. Symp. Multiple-use management of California’s hardwood resources. USFS Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-100:26-31.

Bartolome, J. W. and R. B. Standiford. 1992. Ecology and management of Californian oak woodland. In: Proc. Symp. on Ecol. and Manage. of Oak and Assoc. Woodlands in SW U.S. and North Mexico. USFS Gen. Tech. Rep. RM- 218, pp. 115-118.

Bayless, L. 1988. Researchers study how trees affect forage production on rangelands. CATI Newsletter. CATI Publication 880501.

Berck, P; Hoffmann, S; Fortmann, L A time-series analysis of poverty in California’s forest counties. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 78 (5): 1417-1417 Dec 1996.

Bernhardt, E. A. and T. J. Swiecki. 1991. Minimum techniques for restocking Valley Oaks. In: Proc. Symp. Oak Woodlands and Hardwood Rangeland Management. USFS Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW 126:1-8.

Biging, Gregory S., Matthias Dobbertin, and Edward C. Murphy. 1995. A test of airborne multispectral videography for assessing the accuracy of wildlife habitat maps. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. Special issue – Optical Aerial Remote Sensing. 21(3): 357-366.

Block, W. M. 1990. Geographic variation in foraging ecologies of breeding and non-breeding birds in oak woodlands. In: M. L. Morrison, C. J. Ralph, and J. Verner (eds.) Foraging Behavior: Theory and Applications. Studies in Avian Biology 13. p. 264-269.
44. Block, W. M. 1991. Foraging ecology of the Nuttall’s Woodpecker. Auk 108:303-317.

Block, W. M., J. A. Ganey, K. E. Severson and M. L. Morrison. 1992. Use of oaks by neotropical migratory birds in the southwest. In: Proc. Symp. on Ecol. and Manage. of Oak and Assoc. Woodlands in S.W. U.S. and North Mexico. USFS Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-218

Block, W. M., and M. L. Morrison. 1987. Conceptual framework and ecological considerations for the study of birds in oak woodlands. In T. R. Plumb, and N. H. Pillsbury, (Tech. Coord.). Multiple-use Management of California’s Hardwood Resources. USFS Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-100:163-173.

Block, W. M. and M. L. Morrison. 1990. Wildlife diversity of the central Sierra foothills. Calif. Agric. 44:19-23.

Block, W. M. and M. L. Morrison. 1991. Influence of scale on the management of wildlife in oak woodlands. In: Standiford, R. B. (Tech. Coord.). Proc. Symp. California Oak Woodlands and Hardwood Rangelands. USFS Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-126:96-104.

Block, W., M. L. Morrison, J. C. Slaynaker and G. Jongejan. 1988. Design considerations for the study of amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals in California’s oak woodlands: temporal and spatial patterns. In: R. C. Szaro, D. E. Severson, and D. R. Patton (Tech. Coord.). Management of Amphibians, Reptiles, and Small Mammals in North America. USFS Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-166:247-253.

Block, W. M., M. L. Morrison and J. Verner. 1990. Wildlife and oak woodland interdependency. Fremontia 18:72-76.

Bolger, D.T., Scott,T.A., and Rotenberry, J.T. (2001) Use of corridor like landscape structures by birds and small mammal species. Conservation Biology.

Borchert, M., F. W. Davis and B. H. Allen-Diaz. 1991. Environmental relationships of herbs in Blue Oak (Quercus douglasii) woodlands of central coastal California. Madroño 38(4):249-266.

Brooks, C. N. and A. M. Merenlender. 2000. How the GIS was used to map and quantify policy impacts. California Agriculture 54(3):19-20.

Brooks, C. N. and A. M. Merenlender. 2001. Determining the pattern of oak woodland regeneration for a cleared watershed in northwest California: A necessary first step for restoration. Restoration Ecology, 9(1):1-12.

Campbell, Christopher G. and Barbara Allen-Diaz. 1997. Livestock grazing and riparian habitat water quality: An examination of oak woodland springs in the Sierra Foothills of California. Proc. The Oak Symposium, California State University, San Luis Obispo, CA. USDA Forest Service Res. Paper PSW-GTR-160. pp.339-346.

Campos-Palacin, P., L. Huntsinger, R.B. Standiford, D. Martin-Barroso, P. Mariscal-Lorente, P.F. Starrs. 2002. Working woodlands: public demand, owner management, and government intervention in conserving Mediterranean ranches and dehesas. in: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Oak Woodland: Oaks in California’s Changing Landscape, October 22-25, 2001, San Diego, CA. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-GTR-184. pp. 511-527.

Canals, R.M., D.J. Herman, and M.K. Firestone. 2003. How disturbance by fossorial mammals alters N-cycling in a California annual grassland. Ecology 84:875-881.

Clawson, W. J. and L. Huntsinger. 1990. Livestock grazing conflicts in the California Mediterranean landscape. Proc. Western Section, American Society of Animal Sciences; University of Nevada, Reno, July 10-13.41:125-128.

Conger, S.L. and G.A. Giusti. 1992. Observations of Black Bear (Ursus americanus) Predation on Columbian Black-tailed Deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus). Cal. Fish and Game. 78:131-132.

Costello, L. R., R. H. Schmidt, and G. A. Giusti. 1991. Evaluating tree protection devices: effects on growth and survival. pp 31-35 in R. B. Standiford, tech. coord. Proceedings of the symposium on oak woodlands and hardwood rangeland management. U. S. D. A., Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-126.

Costello, L.R., A. Peters and G.A. Giusti. 1996. An Evaluation of Tree Shelter Effects on Plant Survival and Growth in a Mediterranean Climate. J. of Arboriculture 22 (1): 1-9.

Costello, Laurence R., Jones, Katherine S. and Douglas D. McCreary. 2005. Irrigation effects on the growth of newly planted oaks (Quercus spp.). Journal of Arboriculture 31(2):83-88.

Costello, L.R., K.S. Jones and D.D McCreary. 2007. Establishing Oaks on Cut and Fill Slopes. Western Arborist 33(4): 58-62.

Davidson, E. A., R. W. Eckert, S. C. Hart, and M. K. Firestone. 1989. Direct extraction of microbial biomass nitrogen from forest and grassland soils of California. Soil Biol. Biochem. 21:773-778.

Davidson, E. A., S. C. Hart, C. A. Shanks, and M. K. Firestone. 1991. Measuring gross nitrogen mineralization, immobilization, and nitrification by 15N isotopic pool dilution in intact soil cores. J. Soil Sci. 42:335-349.

Davidson, E. A., D. J. Herman, A. Schuster, and M. K. Firestone. 1993. Cattle grazing and oak trees as factors affecting soil emissions of nitric oxide from an annual grassland. pp. 109-119. In: Agricultural Ecosystems Effects on Trace Gases and Global Change. ASA Special Publication 70.55. Madison WI.

Davidson, E. A., J. M. Stark, and M. K. Firestone. 1990. Microbial production and consumption of nitrate in an annual grassland. Ecology 71:1968-1975.

Ditomaso, J. M., Heise, K. L., Kyser, G. B., Merenlender, A. M., and R. J. Keiffer. 2001. Carefully timed burning can contol barb goatgrass. California Agriculture 55(6):47-52.

Dodd, RS; Huberli, D; Douhovnikoff, V; et al. Is variation in susceptibility to Phytopthora ramorum correlated with population genetic structure in coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)? New Phytologist, 165 (1): 203-214 Jan 2005

Dunbar, J.R., M.L. Bruss, N.K. McDougald, A.S. Jenkins, D.A. Daley, B.L. Topping and W.E. Frost. 1991. An evaluation of range supplementation strategies for cows and calves grazing the sierra foothills of California. Journal of Animal Science. pp. 307-311.

Edinger, S. B. and W. E. Frost. 1988. Canopy and grazing effects on herbage production and soil characteristics on hardwood rangeland. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 1988 Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA.

Edinger, S. B. and W. E. Frost. 1989. Canopy and grazing effects on herbage production and soil characteristics on hardwood rangeland. 42nd Annual Meeting Society for Range Management. Billings, Montana. No. 252.

Enfield, R., A.M. Marzolla, V. Pankow, R. Ponzio, and W. Tietje, curriculum design team. 1992. Oak woodland wildlife (instructional guide for 4-H). Regents of the University of California. 60pp.

Evett, Rand R., J.W. Bartolome, and B. Allen-Diaz. 1997. Predicting altered climate-induced changes in distribution of five California oak species using climatic niche models. MEDECOS VIII. San Diego, CA. October.

Fiehler, C.M., W.D. Tietje, and W.R. Fields. 2006. Nesting success of Western Bluebirds (Sialia mexicana) using nest boxes in vineyard and oak savannah habitats of California. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 118(4):552-557.

Fortmann, L. P. and L. Huntsinger. 1986. A sociological study of the use and management of California oak rangeland. 39th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, Kissimmee, Florida. Feb. 9-14 [abstract published].

Fortmann, L. P. and L. Huntsinger. 1987. Managing California’s oak woodlands: A sociological study of owners. In: Plumb, T. R. and N. H. Pillsbury (Tech. Coord.). Proc. Symp. Multiple-Use Management of California’s Hardwood Resources. USFS Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-100: 379-384.

Fortmann, L. P. and L. Huntsinger. 1989. The effects of non-metropolitan population growth on resource management. Society and Natural Resources 2(1):9-22.

Frost, W. E. 1988. Overstory canopy effects on forage production and utilization and on soil characteristics on hardwood rangelands. Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program Research Conference Report, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. p. 27.

Frost, W.E. 1997. Range and livestock relations. Proceedings of the Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Ecology, Management and Urban Interface Issues. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-GTR-160.

Frost, W.E., J.W. Bartolome and K.R. Churches.  2005.  Disappearance of residual dry matter on annual grassland in the absence of grazing.  In: O’Mara, F.P., R.J. Wilkins, L. ‘t Mannetje, D.K. Lovett, P.A.M. Rogers and T.M. Boland (eds.).  2005.  XX International Grassland Congress:  Offered papers.  Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.  p. 900.

Frost, W.E., J.W. Bartolome and J.M. Connor. 1997. Understory-canopy relationships in oak woodlands and savannas. Proceedings of the Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Ecology, Management and Urban Interface Issues. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-GTR-160.

Frost, W. E., M. W. Demment and N. K. McDougald. 1990. Blue oak canopy effect on forage production and quality on annual rangeland. 43rd Annual Meeting Society for Range Management. Reno, Nevada. No. 192.

Frost, W. E. and D. A. Duncan. 1988. Overstory canopy effects on forage production and utilization, and on soil characteristics on hardwood rangeland. In: Huntsinger, L., W. Tietje and R. H. Schmidt (Eds.). Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program: Research Update. Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program, University of California. p. 9-10.

Frost, W. E. and S. B. Edinger. 1991. Effects of tree canopies on soil characteristics of annual rangeland. J. Range Manage. 44:286-288.

Frost, W. E. and N. K. McDougald. 1989. Canopy effect on forage production during drought years. In: Standiford, R. B. and H. M. Kemer (Eds.). The Hardwood Workgroup, Proc. of a Meeting on Research and Extension Results. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. p. 3-4.

Frost. W. E. and N. K. McDougald. 1989. Overstory canopy effect on seasonal forage production during two drought years on hardwood rangeland. 42nd Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. Billings, Montana. No. 290.

Frost, W. E. and N. K. McDougald. 1989. Tree canopy effect on herbaceous production of annual rangeland during drought. J. Range Manage. 42:281-283.

Frost, W. E. and N. K. McDougald. 1991. Canopy effect on forage production during drought years. Beef and Range Workgroup Report 1990. University of California Cooperative Extension. p. 7-9.

Frost W.E. and N.K. McDougald. 1997. Influence of supplemental feeding sites on use of hardwood rangeland riparian areas by cattle. Proceedings of the Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Ecology, Management and Urban Interface Issues. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-160, p. 347.

Frost, W.E. and N.K. McDougald. 2000. Relationship of residual dry matter and soil cover on California’s annual rangeland. Abstracts 53rd Meeting, Society for Range Management. Boise, ID.

Frost, W.E., N.K. McDougald and W.J. Clawson. 1988. Residue mapping and pasture use records for monitoring California annual rangelands. Range Science Report No. 17, University of California. 10 p.

Frost, W.E., N.K. McDougald and W.J. Clawson. 1989. Influence of supplemental feeding location in riparian areas of south Sierra foothills of California. Proceedings, Western Section, Society of Animal Science. Vol 40:373-375.

Frost, W. E., N. K. McDougald and M. W. Demment. 1991. Blue oak canopy effect on seasonal forage production and quality. In: Standiford, R. B. (Tech. Coord.). California Oak Woodlands and Hardwood Rangelands. USFS Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-126:307-311.

Frost, W.E., N.K. McDougald and M.R. George. 1991. Herbaceous plant measurements. In: Clawson, W.J. (tech editor). Monitoring California’s annual rangeland vegetation. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Leaflet 221486. p. 3-6.

Frost, W. E., N. K. McDougald and A. O. Nelson. 1989. Annual rangeland and livestock management strategies for drought. CATI Research Bulletin 890103. 4 p. 94.

Frost, W. E., N. K. McDougald and A. O. Nelson. 1990. Coping with drought: Range and livestock management recommendations. CATI Research Bulletin 900105.4 p.

Garbelotto, M. Composting as a control for Sudden Oak Death Disease. Biocycle, 44 (2): 53-56 Feb 2003.

Garcia, S.L., W.A. Jensen, W.H. Weitkamp, and W.D. Tietje. 1991. Acorn yield during 1988 and 1989 on California’s central coast. Pages 161-163 in R.B. Standiford, tech. coord., Proc. Symp. on Oak Woodlands and Hardwood Rangeland Management; Oct. 31- Nov. 2, 1990; Davis, Calif., Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-126. Berkeley, Calif.: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.

Garrison, B., and R.B. Standiford. 1997. A Post-hoc assessment of the impacts to wildlife from wood cutting in blue oak woodlands in the northern Sacramento Valley. in Proceedings of a Symposium on Oak woodlands: Ecology, Management, and Urban Interface Issues, March 19-22, 1996, San Luis Obispo, CA. USDA Forest Research Paper PSW-GTR-160. Pp. 411-422.

Garrison, B., G. A. Giusti and R. B. Standiford. 1996. Oaks and Habitats of the Hardwood Range. pp. 8-17. in Standiford, R. B. (ed) Guidelines for Managing California’s Hardwood Rangelands. UC-IHRMP publ. 173 pp. DANR publ. no. 3368.

George, M., J.W. Bartolome, N. McDougald, M. Connor, C. Vaughn, and G. Markegard. 2001. Annual range forage production. Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res. Rangeland Management Series Pub 8018. 9p.

George, M., G. Nader, N. McDougald, M. Connor and B. Frost. 2001. Annual rangeland forage quality. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8022. 13 p.

George, M.R., W.J. Clawson and N.K McDougald. 1995. Cooperative Extension responds to rangeland water quality issues. In: Proc. Of the National Agricultural Ecosystem Mgmt. Conf. Dec. 13-15, 1995, New Orleans, LA. P. 74-82.

George, M.R., W.E. Frost, N.K. McDougald, J.M. Connor, J.W. Bartolome, R.B. Standiford, J. Maas, R. Timm. 1996. Livestock and grazing management. In: Standiford, R.B. (tech. coord.) Guidelines for managing California’s hardwood rangelands. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication 3368: 51-67.

George, M.R., N.K. McDougald, K.W. Tate, and R.E. Larsen. 2001.  Sediment Dynamics and Sources in a Grazed Hardwood Rangeland Watershed. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-184. Pages 65-73.

George, M.R., R.E. Larsen, N.K. McDougald, K.W. Tate, J.D. Gerlach, and K. O. Fulgham. 2002.  Influence of Grazing on Channel Morphology of Intermittent Streams.  Journal of Range Management 55(6): 551-557.

George, M.R, R.E. Larsen, N.K. McDougald, K.W. Tate, J.D. Gerlach Jr., and K.O. Fulgham. 2004.  Cattle Grazing Has Varying Impacts On Stream-Channel Erosion In Oak Woodlands. California Agriculture 58(3):138-143.

George, M. L., R. E. Larsen, N.M. McDougald, C.E. Vaughn, D.K. Flavel, D.M. Dudley, W.E. Frost, K. D. Striby, and L.C. Forero. 2010. Determining Drought on California’s Mediterranean-Type Rangelands: The Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program.  Rangelands 32(3):16-20.

Giusti, G. A., 2002. Oak Woodlands of Mendocino County: An Assessment of their Distribution, Ownership Patterns, and Policies and Projects Affecting their Conservation. IHRMP web site. 66 pp.

Giusti, G. A. and A. M. Merenlender. 2002. Inconsistent Application of Environmental Laws and Policies to California’s Oak Woodlands in McCreary, D. and R. Standiford (eds) .  Proc. 5 th Res. Symp. on Calif. Oak Woodlands.  Oct. 22-26, 2001. San Diego, Calif.

Giusti , G.A. and A.M. Merenlender. 2002. Inconsistent Application of Environmental Laws and Policies to California’s Oak Woodlands USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-184. 2002. pp 473-482.

Giusti, G. A., R. J. Keiffer and C. Vaughn. 2002. Long-term Avian Monitoring Along Parson’s Creek, Mendocino County. Oaks and Folks. IHRMP Newsletter. Vol. 18 (2) 3-4.

Giusti, G. A., R. J. Keiffer and C. E. Vaughn.  2003. The Bird Community of an Oak Woodland Stream. Calif. Fish and Game 89 (2): 72 80.

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McCreary, D. D. California. 1989. Regenerating native oaks in Calif. Agric. 43(1):4-6.

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McCreary, Douglas. 1996. An Agroforestry system for California’s hardwood rangelands. Proceedings, Fourth North American Agroforestry Conference: Growing a sustainable future. J.H. Ehrenreich, D.L. Ehrenreich and H.W. Lee, Eds. Boise, Idaho. July 23-25, 1995. pp. 135-137.

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McCreary, Douglas D. 1999. Artificially regenerating native oaks in California. Proceedings of the Second International Oak Conference. 21-23 Oct., 1997. San Marino, CA. D.D. McCreary, Ed. pp. 69-72.

McCreary, Douglas D. California oak field trip. 1999. Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Seedling Physiology and Growth Problems in Oak Plantings. USDA Forest Service North Central Forest Experiment Station Gen. Tech. Rep. NC 206. pp. 17-18.

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McCreary, Douglas D., Editor. 1999. Proceedings of the Second International Oak Conference. 21-23 Oct., 1997. San Marino, CA. 171 pp.

McCreary, Douglas D. 1999. Regeneration of native California oaks on hardwood rangelands. Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Seedling Physiology and Growth Problems in Oak Plantings. USDA Forest Service North Central Forest Experiment Station Gen. Tech. Rep. NC 206. p. 1.

McCreary, Douglas D. 1999. Restoration of a grazed riparian area. Proceedings of the Symposium, Native Plants: Propagating and Planting. Held December 9-10, 1998 in Corvallis, OR. Robin Rose and Diane L. Haase, Coordinators and Editors. pp. 86-91.

McCreary, Douglas D. 2001. Agroforestry is promising for previously cleared hardwood rangelands. California Agriculture 55(6): 37-41.

McCreary, Douglas D., Editor. 2001. Proceedings of the Third International Oak Conference. 29-31 Oct., 2000 in Asheville, North Carolina. 118 pp.

McCreary, Douglas D. Regenerating Rangeland Oaks in California. 2001. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Communication Services Publication #21601. 62 pp.

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McCreary, Douglas D., L.R. Costello, Jerry Tecklin, Katherine Jones and David Labadie. 2002. The Effects of Irrigation and Above-Ground Protection on the Field Performance of Three Species of Oaks. Proceedings of the Fifth Oak Symposium: Oaks in California’s Changing Landscape. Richard B. Standiford, Douglas McCreary and Kathryn L. Purcell, Technical Coordinators. Held Oct. 22-25, 2001 in San Diego, CA. USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station Gen. Tech Rep. PSW-GTR 184. pp. 387-395.

McCreary, Doug and Melvin George. 2005. Managed Grazing and Seedling Shelters Enhance Grazing on Grazed Rangelands. California Agriculture 59(4) Oct. Dec. 2005. pp 217-222.

McCreary, Douglas D. and Gary Kerr. 2002. A Comparison of the History and Management of Oak Woodlands in Britain and California. Proceedings of the Fifth Oak Symposium: Oaks in California’s Changing Landscape. Richard B. Standiford, Douglas McCreary and Kathryn L. Purcell, Technical Coordinators. Held Oct. 22-25, 2001 in San Diego, CA. pp. USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station Gen. Tech Rep. PSW-GTR 184. pp. 529-539.

McCreary, Doug and Glenn Nader. 2009. Small Parcel Landowner’s Guide to Oak Management. ANR electronic publication 8263. 8 p.

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McCreary, Douglas D. and J. Tecklin. 1993. Effects of tree shelters and weed control on blue oak growth and survival. Fifth workshop on seedling physiology and growth problems in oak planting (abstracts) Ames, Iowa. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-158. p. 4.

McCreary, Douglas D. and J. Tecklin. 1994. Lifting and storing bareroot blue oak seedlings. New Forests 8:89-103.

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McCreary, Douglas D. and J. Tecklin. 1993. Tree shelters accelerate valley oak restoration on grazed rangelands. Restoration and Management Notes 11:2, pp. 152-153.

McCreary, Douglas D. and Jerry Teckin. 1996. Effects of tree shelters on field performance of oaks in California. Sixth workshop on seedling physiology and growth problems in oak plantings (abstracts). USDA Forest Service North Central Forest Experiment Station. General Technical Report NC-182. p. 20.

McCreary, Douglas D. and Jerry Tecklin. 1997. Effects of seedling protectors and weed control on blue oak growth and survival. Proceedings of the Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Ecology, Management and Urban Interface Issues. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-GTR-160. 243-250.

McCreary, Douglas D. and Jerry Tecklin. 1999.Treeshelters help oak restoration. Research Report in the Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center Highlights. J.M. Connor and Harry L. Carson, Eds. Office of Facilities, Planning and Management, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California. pp. 3-4.

McCreary, Douglas D. and Jerry Tecklin. 2000. Home-made dibble facilitates planting willow and cottonwood cuttings. Native Plants Journal 1(1):59-60.

McCreary, Douglas D. and Jerry Tecklin. 2001. The effects of different-sized treeshelters on blue oak growth. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 16(4): 153-158.

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McCreary, Douglas D., Bill Tietje and Bill Frost. Stump Sprouting of Blue Oaks 10 Years after Harvest. 2002. Proceedings of the Fifth Oak Symposium: Oaks in California’s Changing Landscape. Richard B. Standiford, Douglas McCreary and Kathryn L. Purcell, Technical Coordinators. Held Oct. 22-25, 2001 in San Diego, CA. USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station Gen. Tech Rep. PSW-GTR 184. pp. 573-580.

McCreary Doug and Bill Tietje. 2008. Evaluating techniques to enhance natural blue oak regeneration. Proceedings of the Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center 2007 Annual Beef and Range Field Day.  p. 13-15.

McCreary, Douglas, Jos? M Gr?nzweig, Yohay Carmel and Curtis H. Flather. 2008.  The response of native oaks from California and Israel to drought. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Oak Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Opportunities. Adina Merenlender, Douglas McCreary and Kathryn L. Purcell, Technical Coordinators. Held Oct. 9-12, 2006 in Rohnert Park, CA. USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station Gen. Tech Rep. PSW-GTR 217. pp. 293-299.

McCreary, Doug. Bill Tietje and Bill Frost. 2008. Stump sprouting of blue oak nineteen years after harvest. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Oak Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Opportunities. Adina Merenlender, Douglas McCreary and Kathryn L. Purcell, Technical Coordinators. Held Oct. 9-12, 2006 in Rohnert Park, CA. USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station Gen. Tech Rep. PSW-GTR 217. pp. 333-342.

McCreary, Doug. Enhancing Natural Blue Oak Regeneration in California (abstract). 2008. Presented at the 10th Workshop on Oak Seedling Physiology and Growth Problems in Oak Plantings. Oct. 15-18, 2007. Jackson, MS. Lockhart, B. R.; Gardiner, E. S.; Dey, D.C. (Editors). Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-32. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 18 p.

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Shelly, J. W., W. Tietje, and D. McCreary. 1996. Resource evaluation for forest products. pp 82-97 in R. Standiford, tech. coord. Guidelines for managing California’s hardwood rangelands. Pub. #3368. Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Resour., Berkeley. 173pp.

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Standiford, R.B. , J. Klein, B. Garrison. 1996. Sustainability of Sierra Nevada Hardwood Rangelands. in: Status of the Sierra Nevada: Volume III Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project Report, UC Div. of Ag. and Nat. Res. Wildland Resources Center Report No. 38:637-680.

Standiford, R.B., D. McCreary, W. Frost. 2002. Modeling the effectiveness of tree planting to mitigate habitat loss in blue oak woodlands. in: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Oak Woodland: Oaks in California’s Changing Landscape, October 22-25, 2001, San Diego, CA. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-GTR-184. pp. 591-600.

Standiford, R.B., D. McCreary, S. Gaertner, L. Forero. 1996. Impact of firewood harvesting on hardwood rangelands varies with region. California Agriculture 50(2):7-12.

Standiford, R.B., N.K. McDougald, W.E. Frost and R.L. Phillips. 1997. Factors influencing the probability of oak regeneration on southern Sierra Nevada woodlands in California. Madroño 44 (2):170-183.

Standiford, R. B., N. K. McDougald, R. Phillips and A. Nelson. 1991. South sierra oak regeneration weak in the sapling stage. Calif. Agric. 45(2):12-14.

Standiford, R.B., R. Phillips, N.K. McDougald. 1999. Fire history of blue oak rangelands in California’s southern Sierra Nevada, and restoration of fire-related stand structure through thinning. in Fire Management: Emerging Policies and New Paradigms, California Association for Fire Ecology (CAF) 1999 Symposium, Nov. 16-19, 1999, San Diego.

Standiford, R.B. and T.A. Scott. 2001. Value of Oak Woodland Open Space on Private Property Values. presented at: The Wildland-Urban Interface: Sustaining Forests in a Changing Landscape. November 5-8, 2001, Gainesville, FL.

Standiford, R.B. and T.A..Scott. 2001. Value of oak woodlands and open space on private property values in Southern California. poster presentation at: Fifth Symposium on Oak Woodland: Oaks in California’s Changing Landscape, October 22-25, 2001, San Diego, CA. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-GTR-184. pp. 835-836.

Standiford, R.B. and T.A. Scott. 2001. Value of oak woodlands and open space on private property values in Southern California. Special issue – INVESTIGACIN AGRARIA: SISTEMAS Y RECURSOS FORESTALES — TOWARDS THE NEW FORESTLANDS COMMERCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS ACCOUNTING: THEORIES AND APPLICATIONS (P. Campos Palacin, ed.). 1(2001):137-152.

Standiford, R. B. and W. Tietje. 1990. Harvesting firewood for sustained yield on oak rangelands. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Leaflet no. 21487. 30 p.

Standiford, R.B., and P, Tinnin. 1996. Guidelines for managing California’s hardwood rangelands. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Leaflet no. 3368. 180 pp.

Standiford, R.B. and J. Wutzke. 1997. Managing California’s timberland hardwoods. UC Cooperative Extension leaflet.

Standiford, Richard, Douglas McCreary and William Frost. 2002. Modeling the effectiveness of tree planting to mitigate habitat loss in blue oak woodlands. Proceedings of the Fifth Oak Symposium: Oaks in California’s Changing Landscape. Richard B. Standiford, Douglas McCreary and Kathryn L. Purcell, Technical Coordinators. Held Oct. 22-25, 2001 in San Diego, CA. USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station Gen. Tech Rep. PSW-GTR 184. pp. 591-600.

Standiford, Richard B. 1999. California hardwood rangelands: production and conservation values. U.C. Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program On-line Leaflet IHRMP-89.

Standiford, Richard B. 1999. Sustaining oak woodlands in California’s urbanizing environment. Proceedings of the Second International Oak Conference. 21-23 Oct., 1997. San Marino, CA. D.D. McCreary, Ed. International Oaks, the Journal of the International Oak Society 9:126-141.

Standiford, Richard B., Douglas McCreary, and Kathryn B. Purcell, Technical Coordinators. 2002. Proceedings of the Fifth Oak Symposium: Oaks in California’s Changing Landscape. Held Oct. 22-25, 2001 in San Diego, CA. USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station Gen. Tech Rep. PSW-GTR 184. 843 p.

Standiford, Richard B., Ralph Phillips, Neil K. McDougald. 2000. The effect of thinning blue oak rangelands in California’s southern Sierra Nevada. Abstract – 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, February 13-18, 2000, Boise, Idaho.

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Sulak, A., and Huntsinger, L. 2001. The importance of federal allotments to central Sierran oak woodland permittees: a first approximation. In: Standiford, Richard B.; McCreary, Douglas; Purcell, Kathryn L., technical coordinators. 2002. Proceedings of the fifth symposium on oak woodlands: oaks in California’s changing landscape, pgs. 43-52. 2001 October 22-25; San Diego, CA. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-184. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; 846 p.

Sulak, A., and Huntsinger, L. 2002. Central Sierra Grazing in Transition. South Lake Tahoe, California: Sierra Nevada Alliance, California Cattlemen’s Association, and California Rangeland Trust. 35 pgs.

Sulak, A., Huntsinger, L., Standiford R, Merenlender, A, Fairfax S. 2005. The agricultural conservation easement: a strategy for oak woodland conservation. In: Schnabel, S. and Goncalves, A. (eds). Sustainability of Agrosilvopastoral Systems: Dehesas, Montados. Chapter 6. Advances in Geoecology 37:353-364.

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Sullivan, James E., and Thomas A. Scott. 2000. The Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan: a study in the evolution of HCPs. Endangered Species Update 17:2, 28-34.

Swiecki, T. J. 1990. Oak diseases and insects: a delicate balance. Fremontia 18:58-63.

Swiecki, T. J.1991. Fungi among the oaks. In: Pavlik, B., P. Muick, S. Johnson, and M. Popper (Eds.) Oaks of California. Los Olivos, CA. Cachuma Press. p. 70-71.

Swiecki, T. J., R. A. Arnold, J. Kellogg, and E. A. Bernhardt. 1992. California oak disease and arthropod (CODA) host name index database (software for IBM compatible personal computers) Version 3.2, release 7/92. Phytosphere Research, Vacaville, CA.

Swiecki, T. J. and E. Bernhardt. 1991. Minimum input techniques for restoring Valley Oaks on hardwood rangeland. Plant science consulting and research, Vacaville, CA. Prepared for California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Forest and Rangeland Resource Assessment Program, Sacramento, CA. 71 p.

Swiecki, T. J., E. Bernhardt, and R. A. Arnold. 1990. Impacts of diseases and arthropods on California’s rangeland oaks. Prepared for California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Forest and Rangeland Resource Assessment Program, Sacramento, California. 94 p.

Swiecki, T. J., E. Bernhardt, and R. A. Arnold. 1991. Insect and disease impacts on Blue Oak acorns and seedlings. In: Proc. Symp. Oak Woodlands and Hardwood Rangeland Management. USFS Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-126:149-155.

Swiecki, T. J., E. Bernhardt, and R. A. Arnold. 1991. Monitoring insect and disease impacts on rangeland oaks in California. In: Proc. Symp. Oak Woodlands and Hardwood Rangeland Management. USFS Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-126:208-213.

Tate, K.W., E.R. Atwill, M.R. George and N.K. McDougald. 1998. Cryptosporidum parvum mobilization from fecal pats under natural rainfall on California annual rangeland. Proceedings rangeland management and water resources. American Water Resources Assn. TPS-98-1, Reno Nevada. p. 445.

Tecklin, Jerry, J. Michael Connor and Douglas D. McCreary. 2002. Rehabilitation of an oak planting project on cleared rangeland using treeshelters and grazing: a ten-year saga (Poster abstract). Proceedings of the Fifth Oak Symposium: Oaks in California’s Changing Landscape. Richard B. Standiford, Douglas McCreary and Kathryn L. Purcell, Technical Coordinators. Held Oct. 22-25, 2001 in San Diego, CA. USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station Gen. Tech Rep. PSW-GTR 184. pp. 839.

Tecklin, J. and D. D. McCreary. 1991. Acorn size as a factor in early seedling growth of Blue Oaks. In: Standiford, R. B. (Tech. Coord.). Proc. Symp. Oak Woodlands and Hardwood Rangeland Management. USFS Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-126: 48-53.

Tecklin, Jerry and D.D. McCreary. 1993. Dense vegetation may encourage vole damage in young oak plantings. Restoration and Management Notes 11:2, p. 153.

Tecklin, Jerry and D.D. McCreary. 1997. Rehabilitation of a blue oak restoration project. Proceedings of the Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Ecology, Management and Urban Interface Issues. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-GTR-160.

Tempel, D.J., W.D. Tietje, and D.E. Winslow. 2006. Vegetation and small vertebrates of oak woodlands at low and high risk for sudden oak death in San Luis Obispo County. Pages 211-232 In: S.J. Frankel, P.J. Shea, and M.I. Haverty, tech. coords. Proceedings of the sudden oak death second science symposium: the state of our knowledge. 18-21 January 2005; Monterey, CA. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-196. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. 571pp.

Tempel, D.J., and W.D. Tietje. 2006. Potential effects of sudden oak death on small mammals and herpetofauna in coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) woodlands. Extended Abstract, Pages 233-236 In: S.J. Frankel, P.J. Shea, and M.I. Haverty, tech. coords. Proceedings of the sudden oak death second science symposium: the state of our knowledge. 18-21 January 2005; Monterey, CA. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-196. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. 571pp.

Thompson, L.C. and R. Larsen. 2004. Fish Habitat in Fresh Water Streams. DANR Publication 8112.

Thompson, L, J. Voss, R. Larsen, W. Tietje, R. Cooper and P. Moyle. 2008. Role of Hardwood in Forming Habitat for Southern California Steelhead. Sixth Symposium on Oak Woodlands: California’s Oaks: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrows Opportunities, October 9-12, 2006. Rohnert Park, Sonoma County. USDA Forest Service PSW-GTR-217.

Tietje. W. 1993. Oak woodland wildlife. Pages 40-48 in G.A. Giusti and P.J. Tinnin, eds. A planner’s guide for oak woodlands. IHRMP, Dept. of For. and Resour. Mgmt., UC Berkeley, Berkeley, Calif. 104pp.

Tietje, W. 1996. Woodrat abundance and habitat measurements in oak woodland at Camp Roberts, California: preliminary results. Trans. Western Sect. The Wildl. Soc. 31:53-57.

Tietje, W., W. Bremer, T. Craig, and C.M. Gallagher. 1996. Use of GIS in determining development effects on wildlife in oak woodlands. Trans. Western Sect. The Wildl. Soc. 31:7-11.

Tietje, W., and L. Lasarow. 1991. Wild turkey: computer-based consultation program. Trans. Western Sect. The Wildl. Soc. 26:57-60.

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Tietje, W. D. 1990. Acorns: planning for oak-woodland wildlife. Fremontia 18(3):80-81.

Tietje, W. D. 1993. The California spotted owl and California’s oak woodlands. Outdoor California 54(2):8-10.

Tietje, W. D. 1995. Land-use planning in oak woodland. Quercus 3(2), IHRMP, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, Calif. 10pp.

Tietje, W.D. 1998. Oak tree planting: techniques for San Luis Obispo County 1999. Six panel leaflet adapted from How to grow California Oaks, D.D. McCreary, IHRMP, University of California, Berkeley.

Tietje, W. D., and R.H. Barrett. 1993. The wild pig in California oak woodland: ecology and economics. Conference presentation summaries, 25-26 May 1993, Embassy Suites Hotel, San Luis Obispo, Calif., UC Berkeley, Berkeley, Calif. 45pp.

Tietje, W. D., R. H. Barrett, E. B., Kleinfelter, and B. T. Carre. 1991. Wildlife diversity in valley-foothill riparian habitat: North central vs. central coast California. In: Proc Symp. Oak Woodlands and Hardwood Rangeland Management. USFS Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-100:120-125.

Tietje, W. D., T. Berlund, S. Garcia, C. Halpin, and W. Jensen. 1997. Contribution of downed woody material by blue, valley, and coast live oaks in coastal California. Proceedings of the Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Ecology, Management and Urban Interface Issues. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-GTR-160. 423-430.

Tietje, W. D., P.H. Bloom, and J.K. Vreeland. 1997. Characteristics of red-tailed hawk nest sites in oak woodlands of central California. Proceedings of the Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Ecology, Management and Urban Interface Issues. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-GTR-160. 365-372.

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Tietje, W. D., S.L. Garcia, W.H. Weitkamp, W.A. Jensen, and J.K. Vreeland. 1999. Acorn yields in three coastal-central California counties during 1988-1997. Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society 35:41-49.

Tietje, W. D., S. L. Nives, J. A. Honig, and W. H. Weitkamp. 1991 Effect of acorn planting depth on depredation, emergence, and survival of valley and blue Oak. In: Proc Symp. Oak Woodlands and Hardwood Rangeland Management. USFS Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-100:14-20.

Tietje, W. D., and R. H. Schmidt. 1988. California’s integrated hardwood range management program. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. 53:67-77.

Tietje, W. D. and J.K. Vreeland. 1997. Vertebrates diverse and abundant in well-structured oak woodland. California Agriculture 51(6):8-14.

Tietje, W. D., J.K. Vreeland, N. Siepel, and J.L. Dockter. 1997. Relative abundance and habitat associations of vertebrates in oak woodlands in coastal-central California Proceedings of the Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Ecology, Management and Urban Interface Issues. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-GTR-160.

Tietje, W.D., K.L. Waddell, J.K. Vreeland and C.L. Bolsinger. 2002. Coarse woody debris in oak woodlands of California. Western Journal of Applied Forestry, 17(3):139-146.

Tietje, W. D., W.H. Weitkamp, W. Jensen, and S. Garcia. 1993. Drought takes toll on central coast’s native oaks. Calif. Agric. 47(6):4-6.

Tietje, W.D. 2004. The Effects of Sudden Oak Death disease on wildlife. Paper presented at: Annual Conference, The Western Section of The Wildlife Society. 25-28 February 2004. Monterey, CA.

Tietje, W.D., D.J. Tempel, and D.E. Winslow. 2005. Comparison of climate, physical factors, vegetative structure, and vertebrates on SOD high-risk coast live oak woodlands vs. low-risk blue oak woodlands in San Luis Obispo County, California. Paper presented At: The sudden oak death second science symposium: the state of our knowledge. 18-21 January 2005, Monterey, CA.

Tietje, W.D., D.J. Tempel, and D.E. Winslow. 2006. The effects of sudden oak death on wildlife—can anything be learned from the American chestnut blight? Poster Abstract, Page 559 In: S.J. Frankel, P.J. Shea, and M.I. Haverty, tech. coords. Proceedings of the sudden oak death second science symposium: the state of our knowledge. 18-21 January 2005; Monterey, CA. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-196. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. 571pp.

Tietje, W.D., D.E. Lee, and J.K. Vreeland. 2008. Survival and abundance of three species of mice in relation to density of shrubs and prescribed fire in understory of an oak woodland in California. The Southwestern Naturalist 53(3):357-369.

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Vreeland, J.K. and W.D. Tietje. 1999. Counts of woodrat houses to index relative population abundance. Wildlife Society Bulletin 27(2):337-343.

Vreeland, J.K. and W.D. Tietje. 1999. Initial response of woodrats to prescribed burning in oak woodland. Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society 34:21-31.

Vreeland,J.K., and W.D. Tietje. 2000. Habitat elements in oak woodlands. Feb-Mar 1999 and Feb 2000.

Vreeland, J.K, and W.D Tietje. 2004. Vegetative structure of woodland-grassland edges in coastal central California. The Southwestern Naturalist 49(3): 305-310.

Vreeland, J.K. and W.D. Tietje. 2002. Numerical Response of small vertebrates to prescribed fire in California oak woodland. Pages 269-280 in R.B. Standiford, D. McCreary, and K.L. Purcell, tech. coords., Proc. Symp. Oak Woodlands: Oaks in California’s Changing Landscape; Oct. 22-25, 2001; San Diego, CA. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-184. Albany CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture; 846p.

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Weitkamp, W.H., S.L. Yoshida, and W.D. Tietje. 1997. Conservation reserve program (CRP) oak regeneration study Proceedings of the Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Ecology, Management and Urban Interface Issues. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-GTR-160.

Welker, J. M., D. R. Gordon and K. J. Rice. 1991. Capture and allocation of nitrogen by Quercus douglasii seedlings in competition with annual and perennial grasses. Oecologia 87(4):459-466.

Whittington, J.M., and W.D. Tietje. 1992. Saving native oaks calls for planning. Calif. Agric. 46(2):20-23.

Winslow, D.E. and W.D. Tietje. 2006. Potential effects of sudden oak death on birds in San Luis Obispo County coastal oak woodlands. Pages 305-328 In: S.J. Frankel, P.J. Shea, and M.I. Haverty, tech. coords. Proceedings of the sudden oak death second science symposium: the state of our knowledge. 18-21 January 2005; Monterey, CA. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-196. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. 571pp.

Zingo, Jim, George Work, Royce Larsen, and Bill Tietje. 2009. Ranching Sustainability Self-Assessment Project. Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative’s 4th National Conference on Grazing Lands. December 13 – 16, 2009. Reno, NV.