Background on the Oak Symposium Series

Beginning in 1979, there have been a series of symposia held every 5 to 7 years addressing the state of our knowledge about science, policy and management factors affecting California’s oak resource. The most recent symposium was held on November 3-6, 2014 in Visalia, California. Shown below is a link to download the Proceedings of each of the 7 oak symposiums.
Oak Symposia Proceedings
June 26-28, 1979; Claremont, CA; Proceedings of the symposium on the ecology, management, and utilization of California oaks – USDA Forest Service PSW-GTR 44
November 12-14, 1986; San Luis Obispo, CA; Proceedings of the Symposium on Multiple-Use Management of California’s Hardwood Resources – USDA Forest Service PSW-GTR 100
October 31 – November 2, 1990; Davis, CA; Proceedings of the symposium on oak woodlands and hardwood rangeland management – USDA Forest Service PSW-GTR 126
March 19-22 1996; San Luis Obispo, CA; Proceedings of a symposium on oak woodlands: ecology, management, and urban interface issues – USDA Forest Service PSW-GTR 160
October 22-25, 2001; San Diego, CA; Proceedings of the fifth symposium on oak woodlands: oaks in California’s changing landscape – USDA Forest Service PSW-GTR 184
October 9-12, 2006; Rohnert Park, CA; Proceedings of the sixth California oak symposium: today’s challenges, tomorrow’s opportunities – USDA Forest Service PSW-GTR 217
November 3-6, 2014; Visalia, CA; Proceedings of the seventh California oak symposium: managing oak woodlands in a dynamic world – USDA Forest Service PSW-GTR 251