The human population of the northern Sacramento Valley is forecast to more than double by the year 2040. This implies that additional land in the region will be under increasing development pressure for urban and rural residential uses. If this pattern of development is projected beyond the 15- to 20-year time frames of local-area plans, significant oak woodland acreage will be affected.
Read full articleAuthor: oaksadmin@cloudways
California Certified Rangeland Manager Program
The intent of California’s Certified Rangeland Manager Program is to provide evidence of professional competency, to protect the public interest,and to ensure proper management of the state’s rangeland resources as embodied in the Code of Professional Ethics of the Society
Read full articleChanges in El Dorado County Land-Use and Ownership
Oaks ‘n’ Folks – Volume 13, Issue 2- August. 1998 El Dorado County has experienced a change in land use and ownership pattern since the late 1950s. We recently completed a study of some of these changes,using information collected for
Read full articleA New Tool for Conserving Oak Woodlands
Oaks ‘n Folks – Volume 14, Issue 1 – March, 1999 The California Rangeland Trust While many questions exist regarding the effects of grazing on oak trees, the conversion of grazing lands to more intensive uses, including farming and urban
Read full articleConservation and Collaboration: Vineyards in a Santa Barbara Landscape
For the past year, Santa Barbara County residents, their elected representatives, and County planning staff have been faced with the issue of a rapidly expanding wine-grape industry and effects of associated agricultural expansion on native oaks and other natural resources.
Read full articleCalifornia’s Hardwood Rangelands: Production and Conservation Values
Oaks ‘n Folks – Volume 14, Issue 2 – August, 1999 Introduction California’s 10 million acres of hardwood rangelands, or oak woodlands, are the most biologically diverse broad habitat in the state. Most of the state’s water supply flows through
Read full articleSonoma County Acquisition Plan 2000: A Tool for Conserving Oak Woodlands
Oaks ‘n’ Folks – Volume 16, Issue 2 – August 2000 Sonoma County encompasses over one million acres of hills, mountains, valleys, and river drainages, including the 1,485 square mile Russian River Watershed. The County supports numerous habitats containing many
Read full articleThe Cultural Values of Oaks

Oaks ‘n’ Folks – Volume 18, Issue 1 – February 2002 The value of oaks for a diverse suite of uses and advantages, only some of which are cash producing, has been recognized in other parts of the United States
Read full articleWoodland Fires
As the population of California continues to increase, the threat of wildfires also increases. This is because most wildfires are started by humans. It is also generally accepted that the threat of catastrophic fires is higher today than it has ever been.
Read full articleSudden Oak Death (SOD)

Sudden Oak Death, or SOD, was first observed in California in 1995. In 2000 UC researchers identified the causal agent as Phytophthora ramorum, a pest new to science that had never been identified before. UC provided initial seed money to assist in
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