There is considerable concern about the goldspotted oak borer and other insects and diseases that are currently attacking and causing mortality among the oaks of southern California. Land managers, arborists, foresters and landowners who are responsible for the stewardship of oaks and oak woodlands should be up to date on the latest information about the problems and how to avoid or minimize losses.
Workshops are being organized to provide the best available information on the following topics: Cause and extent of oak mortality and affected areas; identification and assessment; and management practices for oak woodland restoration and resiliency. Presentations by foresters, entomologists, pathologists, biologists and natural resource specialists will be offered. Where possible, a field trip component will be arranged to observe the symptoms and impacts of insects and diseases on native oak woodlands.
For information about upcoming GSOB workshops, contact Jan Gonzales at jggonzales@ucdavis.edu or (858) 694-8955