Oaks ‘n’ Folks – Volume 7, Issue 2 – September 1992 Many of the native oak seedlings produced in California are grown in small containers or “liners” and transplanted to the field when they are one year old. While in
Read full articleOak Regeneration
Effects of Tree Shelters and Weed Control on Blue Oak Growth and Survival
Oaks ‘n’ Folks – Volume 7, Issue 4 – May, 1992 Blue oak (Quercus douglasii) is one of several species of native California oaks that is reported to be regenerating poorly in some locations. Recent studies have indicated that two
Read full articleArtificially Regenerating Native Oaks in California
Oaks ‘n’ Folks – Volume 6, Issue 3 – December 1991 Introduction In California today there is evidence that several species of native oaks, including blue oak (Quercus douglasii) and valley oak (Quercus lobata), are not regenerating well in certain areas of the state.
Read full articleGrowing Bareroot Blue Oak Seedlings
Oaks ‘n’ Folks – Volume 5, Issue 2 – November 1990 Introduction As interest and concern about native California oaks increase throughout the state, there is greater and greater demand for oak seedlings for restoration plantings and other artificial regeneration
Read full articleOak Seedling Regeneration on California Rangelands
Oaks ‘n’ Folks – Volume 5, Issue 2 – November 1990 Introduction Poor regeneration of blue oak (Quercus douglasii) and valley oak (Q. lobata) in many locations on California hardwood rangelands has encouraged examination of factors suspected to be responsible
Read full articleHow to Grow California Oaks
Oaks ‘n’ Folks – Volume 4, Issue 2 – December, 1989 Introduction Native oaks are a vital and important component of the vegetation of California. They grow in a wide variety of habitats and help provide a distinctive character to
Read full articleRooting Out Oak Radicles
Oaks ‘n’ Folks – Volume 5, Issue 1 – June, 1990 Introduction Blue oak acorns readily germinate once they fall from the tree. Unlike some acorns, such as the black oaks which require a cool, moist resting period to trigger germination,
Read full articleOak Regeneration by Artificial Means
Introduction Oak trees are an important California natural resource, but in many areas they are not regenerating naturally. In addition, clearing land for economic reasons is reducing existing stands in many locations. Artificially regenerating oaks is one way to help conserve this
Read full articleStump Sprouting: An Alternative Regeneration Approach
Several recent inventories of California oaks have indicated that for several native species there is insufficient natural regeneration. That is, there are not enough young seedlings becoming established to take the place of older trees that will eventually die. One of the species reported to have this
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