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UC Oaks provides science-based information on California’s oak woodland ecology, management, and conservation. It is a repository of over 30 years of science-based research and outreach conducted during 1986 to 2010 by the UC Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program (IHRMP), a collaboration among the University of California, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

Contacts for More Information on Oak Woodlands

Several key research and outreach functions of the Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program have been continued by members of the Oak Woodland Conservation Workgroup. Members of the Oak Woodland Conservation Workgroup include UC Specialists that were formerly part of the IHRMP; campus faculty whose programs include range, wildlife, and forestry management; and county-based Livestock, Natural Resource, and Horticulture Advisors working on various oak issues. You are welcome to contact these oak experts directly with questions that relate to their specific expertise.

Michael Jones

Forest Advisor, RPF No. 3241
Mendocino, Lake, & Sonoma Counties
(707) 463-4495
Specialty: Entomology, forest health, disturbance ecology, integrated pest management

Devii Rao

Devii Rao

Area Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor
(831) 637-5346
Specialty: Rangeland ecology and management, rangeland conservation, grazing management, conservation of biological diversity, watershed protection and management.

William D. Tietje

William D. Tietje

Area Natural Resource Specialist
(510) 725-7651
Specialty: Oak woodland ecology and management, human impacts on wildlife.

Adina M. Merenlender

Adina Merenlender

Cooperative Extension Specialist; Adjunct Professor
(707) 744-1424 Ext. 106
Specialty: Conservation biology, working lands conservation, connectivity science, adult environmental education, and community science.

Richard B. Standiford Ph.D.

Richard Standiford

Forest Management Specialist
(510) 643-5428
Specialty: Resource economics, forest management, hardwood rangelands, silviculture.

William C. Stewart

William Stewart

Forest Management Specialist
(510) 643-3130,
Specialty: Forest economics, carbon sequestration, biomass utilization, forest policy.

Steven Swain

Steven Swain

North Bay Environmental Horticulture Advisor
(415) 473-4226
Specialty: Forest diseases, forest pests, small parcel forest and woodland management, mulch, compost, tree pruning and care, urban interface issues.

Sheila J. Barry

Sheila Barry

Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor
(408) 282-3106
Specialty: Rangeland management, endangered species habitat management.

James Bartolome

James Bartolome​

Professor of the Graduate School
(510) 642-7945
Specialty: Ecology and management of California’s rangelands.

Mr. Morgan P. Doran

Morgan Doran

Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor
(530) 666-8738
Specialty: Livestock, beef cattle, sheep, nutrition, range & natural resources.

Sabrina Drill​

Natural Resources Advisor
(805) 645-1466
Specialty: Watershed education, conservation and restoration of aquatic and wildland habitats and anadramous fishes.

Bill Frost

Bill Frost, Natural Resource Adviser
(530) 752-3931
Specialty: Rangeland science and management.

Greg Giusti

North Coast Area Hardwoods Advisor
(707) 263-6838
Specialty: Forest management, wildlife management, vertebrate pest management, wetlands, watersheds, fisheries.

Dr. Royce Larsen E.

Royce Larsen

Area Natural Resource Watershed Advisor
(805) 434-4106
Specialty: Water quality and non-point source pollution on rangelands & natural resources.

David J. Lewis

David Lewis

Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor
(415) 473-4204
Specialty: Water quality and quantity in California’s oak woodland working landscapes, effectiveness of conservation practices to facilitate agricultural and ecological objectives in these working landscapes.

Tom Scott

Tom Scott

Natural Resources Wildlife Specialist
(951) 827-5115
Specialty: Conservation of wildlife, wildlife/urban interface, response of wildlife to human disturbances.


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